I am trying to script setup of Jenkins so that I can create and tear down Jenkins clusters programmatically with helm. I\'ve hit an annoying snag where I cannot set a key with d
You need to enclose the key with quotations and then escape the dots
helm install --values helm/jenkins.yml stable/jenkins --set Master.Ingress.Annotations."certmanager\.k8s\.io/cluster-issuer"=letsencrypt-staging
Use \
to escape the dots in the key. Quotation marks are required to prevent shell interpreting the \
helm install --values helm/jenkins.yml stable/jenkins --set 'Master.Ingress.Annotations.certmanager\.k8s\.io/cluster-issuer=letsencrypt-staging'
Helm requires these characters to be escaped: .
Source: https://paul-boone.medium.com/helm-chart-install-advanced-usage-of-the-set-argument-3e214b69c87a