I\'m trying to implement an X.509 certificate generator from scratch (I know about the existing ones, but I need yet another one). What I cannot understand is how to calculate t
The finger print is similar to term "Thumbprint" in .net. Below code snippet should help you to compute finger print :
public String generateFingerPrint(X509Certificate cert) throws CertificateEncodingException,NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] hash = digest.digest(cert.getEncoded[]);
final char delimiter = ':';
// Calculate the number of characters in our fingerprint
// ('# of bytes' * 2) chars + ('# of bytes' - 1) chars for delimiters
final int len = hash.length * 2 + hash.length - 1;
// Typically SHA-1 algorithm produces 20 bytes, i.e. len should be 59
StringBuilder fingerprint = new StringBuilder(len);
for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) {
// Step 1: unsigned byte
hash[i] &= 0xff;
// Steps 2 & 3: byte to hex in two chars
// Lower cased 'x' at '%02x' enforces lower cased char for hex value!
fingerprint.append(String.format("%02x", hash[i]));
// Step 4: put delimiter
if (i < hash.length - 1) {
return fingerprint.toString();
Ok, so it turned out that the fingerprint calculated by OpenSSL is simply a hash over the whole certificate (in its DER binary encoding, not the ASCII PEM one!), not only the TBS part, as I thought.
For anyone who cares about calculating certificate's digest, it is done in a different way: the hash is calculated over the DER-encoded (again, not the PEM string) TBS part only, including its ASN.1 header (the ID 0x30 == ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED and the length field). Please note that the certificate's ASN.1 header is not taken into account.