How is it possible to create a vertical menu on the left side of the window in Visual Studio (in a wpf) with xaml like the one in I try the code:
Sure, just change MenuItem.ItemsPanel
to use a Vertical StackPanel instead of the Default Horizontal one
<VirtualizingStackPanel Orientation="Vertical"/>
Accepted anwer is good. But it is a long way to get a good side bar working. you can use this control if what you need is a working menu now.
you can install it from nuget too.
here is an example
<materialMenu:SideMenu HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Name="Menu"
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<Border Background="#337AB5">
<Grid Margin="10">
<TextBox Height="150" BorderThickness="0" Background="Transparent"
VerticalContentAlignment="Bottom" FontFamily="Calibri" FontSize="18"
Foreground="WhiteSmoke" FontWeight="Bold">Welcome</TextBox>
<materialMenu:MenuButton Text="Administration"></materialMenu:MenuButton>
<materialMenu:MenuButton Text="Packing"></materialMenu:MenuButton>
<materialMenu:MenuButton Text="Logistics"></materialMenu:MenuButton>
You can adjust the ItemsPanel using Style (which I feel is much more wpf-ish)
<Style TargetType="Menu" x:Key="Horizontal">
<Setter Property="ItemsPanel">
<StackPanel VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
the VerticalAlignment="Center" is there for beautification purposes, you can definitely skip it.
then in the menu code
<Menu Style="{StaticResource Horizontal}">