while \'playing around\' with Camel using Spring DSL, I came across the following problem. Suppose the expected message flow looks like this:
I leave you some examples:
<setHeader headerName="token">
<setHeader headerName="userName">
<simple>${properties:userName}</simple> //from config
<setProperty propertyName="bodyBkp">
<setProperty propertyName="orderNumber">
<xpath resultType="String">//item[1]/orderNumber/text()</xpath>
Check the simple expression language: http://camel.apache.org/simple.html
Sometimes looking at the test cases of Camel can be helpful as well, in particular for Spring DSL:
you can set store data in the Exchange properties or message headers like this...
.setHeader("ID", XPathBuilder.xpath("/order/@id", String.class))
.setProperty("ID", XPathBuilder.xpath("/order/@id", String.class))
and then retrieve them in a bean/processor from the Exchange like this...
String propId = (String) exchange.getProperty("ID");
String headerId = (String) exchange.getIn().getHeader("ID"); }