I know that my question is similar to others but I didn\'t found any solution to my problem.
I have a C# DateTime property
public DateTime MyDate { get;
new Date(object.MyDate);
should work.
var date = new Date(parseInt(object.MyDate.substr(6)));
I've also seen this method:
var milli = "/Date(1245398693390)/".replace(/\/Date\((-?\d+)\)\//, '$1');
var d = new Date(parseInt(milli));
I'm using .Net Core 2.0. & MySQL 5.7
In my current development, I'm assigning the returned value directly into the DOM object like this:
DOMControl.value = response.CreatedOn.toString().split(".")[0];
I'm returning a JsonResult of the resulting object, the resulting JSON arrives with the date value as follows:
createdOn : "2017-11-28T00:43:29.0472483Z"
I hope this help to somebody.