I would like help with recursively looping over all attributes/sub objects contained in a protocol buffers message, assuming that we do not know the names of them, or how many t
I'm not super familiar with protobufs, so there may well be an easier way or api for this kind of thing. However, below shows an example of how you could iterate/introspect and objects fields and print them out. Hopefully enough to get you going in the right direction at least...
import addressbook_pb2 as addressbook
person = addressbook.Person(id=1234, name="John Doe", email="foo@example.com")
def dump_object(obj):
for descriptor in obj.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
value = getattr(obj, descriptor.name)
if descriptor.type == descriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE:
if descriptor.label == descriptor.LABEL_REPEATED:
map(dump_object, value)
elif descriptor.type == descriptor.TYPE_ENUM:
enum_name = descriptor.enum_type.values[value].name
print "%s: %s" % (descriptor.full_name, enum_name)
print "%s: %s" % (descriptor.full_name, value)
which outputs
tutorial.Person.name: John Doe
tutorial.Person.id: 1234
tutorial.Person.email: foo@example.com
tutorial.Person.PhoneNumber.number: 1234567890
tutorial.Person.PhoneNumber.type: HOME