I am having trouble sending emails with symfony2 and swiftmailer. I am also a bit lost on how to debug this issue. Below is the code. First I am creating a form to display. On s
Can you post parameters.yml?
Also ensure that spooling is disabled so the email can be instantly sent. If you have a spool entry under the Swiftmailer configuration, delete it, for example:
swiftmailer: transport: %mailer_transport% host: %mailer_host% username: %mailer_user% password: %mailer_password% spool: { type: memory }
Should be:
swiftmailer: transport: %mailer_transport% host: %mailer_host% username: %mailer_user% password: %mailer_password%
I you have trouble receiving email with ovh, siwftmailer and fosUserBundle,
please consider adding this in your config.yml
address: noreply@yourdomain.com
sender_name: yourname
If you don't do this, fos user bundle will send the email with noreply@exemple.com and OVH flag this as spam.
source: https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/emails.md
You may have mail spooling set. If it is a case you need to run:
php app/console swiftmailer:spool:send
to send spooled emails.
Check http://symfony.com/doc/master/cookbook/email/spool.html for more.
# Swiftmailer Configuration
transport: smtp
encryption: ssl
auth_mode: login
host: smtp.xx.eu
username: username
password: password
$messageObject = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
I often set the following configuration in config_dev.yml to -prevent- mails being sent during testing, maybe you have done the same and forgot?
If this is in config_dev.yml, set it to false:
disable_delivery: true
You can find here the entire procedure on how to send emails with symfony2. I just tested it at it seems to work fine.