For example, I have this Map value in Scala:
val m = Map(
\"name\" -> \"john doe\",
\"age\" -> 18,
\"hasChild\" -> true,
\"childs\" -
val mymap = {
case 1 => ("A", 1)
case 2 => ("B", 2)
case 3 => ("C", 3)
Using scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject
, you only need 1 line:
import scala.util.parsing.json.JSONObject
If you're working with a well-defined data model, why not define case classes and use Play JSON macros to handle conversion? i.e.
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, hasChild: Boolean, childs: List[Person])
implicit val fmt = Json.format[Person]
val person = Person(...)
val jsonStr = Json.toJson(person)
In case somebody is looking for a solution using standard libraries.
def toJson(query: Any): String = query match {
case m: Map[String, Any] => s"{${",")}}"
case t: (String, Any) => s""""${t._1}":${toJson(t._2)}"""
case ss: Seq[Any] => s"""[${",")}]"""
case s: String => s""""$s""""
case null => "null"
case _ => query.toString
One thing you can do using the Jackson library is to use a java HashMap object, instead of a Scala one. Then you can basically use the same "without success" code you already wrote.
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
val jmap = new java.util.HashMap[String, Int]()
jmap.put("dog", 4)
jmap.put("cat", 1)
// convert to json formatted string
val jstring = mapper.writeValueAsString(jmap)
jstring: String = {"dog":4,"cat":1}
As a non play solution, you can consider using json4s which provides a wrapper around jackson and its easy to use. If you are using json4s then you can convert map to json just by using:
//> res0: String = {"name":"john doe","age":18,"hasChild":true,"childs":[{"name":"dorothy","age":5,"hasChild":false},{"name":"bill","age":8,"hasChild":false}]}
--Updating to include the full example--
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
val m = Map(
"name" -> "john doe",
"age" -> 18,
"hasChild" -> true,
"childs" -> List(
Map("name" -> "dorothy", "age" -> 5, "hasChild" -> false),
Map("name" -> "bill", "age" -> 8, "hasChild" -> false)))
res0: String = {"name":"john doe","age":18,"hasChild":true,"childs":[{"name"
:"dorothy","age":5,"hasChild":false},{"name":"bill","age":8,"hasChild":false }]}
Alternative way:
import org.json4s.native.Json
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
mapper.writeValueAsString(Map("a" -> 1))
result> {"empty":false,"traversableAgain":true}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
mapper.writeValueAsString(Map("a" -> 1))
result> {"a":1}