I have the following file party.txt
that contains something like the following:
Hello Jacky
Hello Peter
Bye Johnson
Hello Willy
Bye Johnny
Hello Mar
gawk (and recent versions of mawk) have a built-in time/date function, so there is no need to use external tools there.
gawk '/Hello/{print NR " - " $0 " - " strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}' party.txt
This solution should work with any awk:
awk '/Hello/ {cmd="(date +'%H:%M:%S')"; cmd | getline d; print d,$0; close(cmd)}' party.txt
The magic happens in close(cmd)
statement. It forces awk
to execute cmd
each time, so, date would be actual one each time.
cmd | get line d
reads output from cmd
and saves it to d
awk 'BEGIN{"date +'%Y-%m-%d'"|getline d;}/Hello/{print $0,d}' file
will give you:
Hello Jacky 2012-09-11
Hello Peter 2012-09-11
Hello Willy 2012-09-11
Hello Mary 2012-09-11
Hello Wendy 2012-09-11
If you're open to using Perl:
perl -MPOSIX -lne 'if (/Hello/){ print "$_ " . strftime "%Y-%m-%d",localtime }' party.txt
produces this output
Hello Jacky 2015-10-01
Hello Peter 2015-10-01
Hello Willy 2015-10-01
Hello Mary 2015-10-01
Hello Wendy 2015-10-01
Here's how it works:
loops around every line of the input file, do not automatically print each line
removes newlines before processing, and adds them back in afterwards
execute the perl code
is the current line
loads the POSIX module, which includes strftime
and strftime
prints the time, given the format %Y-%m-%d
using posix sed (and a sub shell due to missing time function in sed)
sed -n "/^Hello/ s/$/ $( date +'%Y-%m-%d' )/p" party.txt
Hello Jacky 2016-11-10
Hello Peter 2016-11-10
Hello Willy 2016-11-10
Hello Mary 2016-11-10
Hello Wendy 2016-11-10
One way using awk
awk -v date="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")" '/Hello/ { print $0, date}' party.txt
Hello Jacky 2012-09-11 07:55:51 PM
Hello Peter 2012-09-11 07:55:51 PM
Hello Willy 2012-09-11 07:55:51 PM
Hello Mary 2012-09-11 07:55:51 PM
Hello Wendy 2012-09-11 07:55:51 PM
Note that the date value is only set when awk
starts, so it will not change, even if the command takes a long time to run.