I am having a heap space problem. My program is simple. There are two actors (send & receive) \"send\" actor is passing 10000 objects per second to \"receive\", and receive
I encountered the problem and I tried to solve it by changing heap and buffer settings in eclipse. However I couldn't solve it. Then I noticed there is a memory leak in my program and the number of threads increase in time. The problem was solved after I had fixed the bug. I think memory leak is not the most probable reason for it but it should be considered.
This problem has occured due to the buffer size in console.
Solution :
Right Click the Console -> Preferences
limit the console.
IOConsole is an eclipse class, not your program's. Are you printing to System.out a lot? Under Window > Preferences search for "console". Set some sort of limit for all the console buffers. Try printing less output from the program. Maybe log to a file instead.
You can add the following JVM args to give you an idea of the memory usage and what the GC is doing:
-Xloggc:/tmp/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps