I have problem passing id
to my page with product, I tried everything and search answer but it still doesn\'t work.
Here is my index.js:
replace this :
<Route path={"product/:id"} component={()=>(<div><Menu/><DetailsProduct>asd</DetailsProduct></div>)}></Route>
with :
<Route path={"product/:id"} component={DetailsProduct}></Route>
I was also getting the same problem when I used this.props.params.id
But when i tried to put console.log(this.props)
in the component where I'm passing the id, it shows my id in match object so use:
to get the id (notice the added match
For me I was using the render
method and finding that this.props.match
was undefined
in rendered components. This was the solution for me, you have to pass in props
will be undefined
<Route path='/users/:id' render={() => <UserDetail/>}/>
Do this instead:
<Route path='/users/:id' render={(props) => <UserDetail {...props}/>}/>
I use
import { Router, Route, browserHistory, IndexRoute} from 'react-router'
import {syncHistoryWithStore, routerReducer} from 'react-router-redux'
then I can get id by this.props.params.id
react router new version changed the route props object as the following: this.props.match.params instead this.props.params
I assume you are not using react-router v4
but either v2.x.x
or v3.x.x
. In that case you should restructure your routes and you can pass multiple component using the components props as
<Router history={hashHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={Layout}>
<IndexRoute components={{menu: Menu, mainPage: MainPage}}/>
<Route path={"product/:id"} component={{menu: Menu, detail: DetailsProduct}}/>
And in the Menu Component
Also the way you want it work is relatively very easy to do using react-router v4
. In that case you can make use of prop render to provide a component and you could do the following with it
import {HashRouter as Router, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
<Route path="/" render={()=>(<div><Menu/><MainPage/></div>)}></Route>
<Route path={"product/:id"} render={()=>(<div><Menu/><DetailsProduct>asd</DetailsProduct></div>)}></Route>