readr : Turn off scientific notation in write_csv

后端 未结 6 2020
谎友^ 2021-02-07 02:54

I am using R to process Census data which uses really long numeric GEOIDs to identify the geographies. The issue I am facing is when writing out the processed data using w

  • 2021-02-07 03:16

    I'd rather suggest recoding such columns to type int, because if so write_* won't use scientific number encoding anymore. To convert all numeric columns in one pass (e.g. in case you're dealing with a counts matrix), you could do:

    tbl_df = mutate_if(tbl_df, is.numeric, as.integer)
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  • 2021-02-07 03:21

    I would suggest you use

    write.csv((tbl_df(data.frame(GEOID = seq(from=60150001022000, to=60150001022005, 1)))), "test.csv")

    instead of

    write_csv((tbl_df(data.frame(GEOID = seq(from=60150001022000, to=60150001022005, 1)))), "test.csv")

    If I open test.csv it opens the file in Excel. Excel turns it into scientific notation. When I right click and open with notepad it looks good and I see the original numbers without scientific notation.

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  • 2021-02-07 03:22

    Use bit64, it is a S3 class for vectors for 64bit Integers

    options(digits = 22)
    tbl_df <- data.frame(GEOID = seq(from=60150001022000, to=60150001022005, 1))
    > tbl_df
    1 60150001022000
    2 60150001022001
    3 60150001022002
    4 60150001022003
    5 60150001022004
    6 60150001022005
    tbl_df$GEOID <- as.integer64(tbl_df$GEOID)

    If you read this data again in R, it will assign the correct datatype.

    dfr <- read_csv('test.csv')
    > dfr
    Source: local data frame [6 x 1]
    1 60150001022000
    2 60150001022001
    3 60150001022002
    4 60150001022003
    5 60150001022004
    6 60150001022005 
    > str(tbl_df)
    'data.frame':   6 obs. of  1 variable:  
    Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':   6 obs. of  1 variable:
     $ GEOID: num  6.02e+13 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 6.02e+13 ...

    Hope this helps. I opened the csv in a text editor, the numbers had "" around them. But it still worked.

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  • 2021-02-07 03:28

    It would probably be safer to use character values:

    X <- tbl_df(data.frame(GEOID = as.character(seq(from=60150001022000, to=60150001022005))))
     write_csv(X, "test.csv")

    It's a bit ironic that the write_csv function does coerce some of its output to character values, but not numeric columns. Only if a column passes the is.object test will it be coerced. There does not appear to be a switch to throw that will preserve maximal precision. The write.table and its offspring write.csv functions have several switches that allow suppression of quotes and other settings that allow tailoring of output but write_csv has very little of such.

    You can trick write_csv into thinking that a numeric column is something more complex and this does result in the as.character output, albeit with quotes.

     class(X[[1]])<- c("num", "numeric")
     vapply(X, is.object, logical(1))
    # TRUE 
     write_csv(X, "")
    #[1] #"\"GEOID\"\n\"60150001022000\"\n\"60150001022001\"\n\"60150001022002\"\n\"60150001022003\"\n\"60150001022004\"\n\"60150001022005\"\n"

    As a matter of best practices I do not agree with your choice of insisting that ID-variables remain numeric. There is too much violence that can be applied to that storage mode for an object. You do not need any of the arithmetic operations for an ID-variable.

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  • 2021-02-07 03:29
     tbl_df = mutate_if(tbl_df, is.numeric, as.integer)

    I think it would be safer to recode those columns into string while exporting the CSV in such a case

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  • 2021-02-07 03:34

    I wrote a pull request with a patch to improve the control of scientific notation in write_csv.

    With this patch you would would have a int_use_scientific=FALSE argument in write_csv that would solve your issue. Hopefully it will be eventually merged.

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