I want to use the Slack plugin in Jenkins to ping notifications to a Slack channel.
Jenkins says success when I test the connection, but I don\'t receive any notificatio
I think that you should add post-build action "Slack Notification" in your Jenkins. Please see the image below
If you want to receive notifications using Jenkins declarative pipelines, you can install the Slack plugin, and then use it in the pipeline in this way:
stage('Clone sources') {
steps {
slackSend (channel: "#mychannel", color: '#FFFF00', message: "STARTED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' (${env.BUILD_URL})")
git credentialsId: 'git_credentials', poll: false, branch: 'develop', url: 'https://mysource.com/mysimplenodejsexample.git'
You can customize your message of course. Full example at:
I though of adding it here for the greater good of the community. This is how you get the integration token
Jenkins Instructions
Get a Slack account: https://slack.com/
Configure the Jenkins integration: https://my.slack.com/services/new/jenkins-ci
Install this plugin on your Jenkins server
Configure it in your Jenkins job and add it as a Post-build action.
And are you sure that you have a correct configuration.
In Build Configuration (Do not forget # character)
In General Configuration
There are two steps to configure a Jenkins job to be posting on a slack channel.
In the case that you have to configure a great number of Jenkins jobs, you could configure only one of them manually and verify it is working fine. Then check the config.xml of this Jenkins job to find the auto-generated xml elements for the slack plugin preferences and apply those configs on all Jenkins jobs by using regex or xslt. In this case, you will have to reload the Jenkins configs for the job configurations updates to be applied. ("Manage Jenkins" / "Reload Configuration from Disk")
I didn't use the Slack Notification because I wanna customize style/state/message, etc. So I wrote a job
called send_slack_notification
instead. Every time I want to notify slack API I just call this job after build.
Here's the code in "Execute Shell", I used curl
, sed
and jsawk
to do the job:
# URL to get the built info json
# will get "http://JENKINS_PATH/job/JOB_NAME/97/api/json"
NEW_URL="http://jks_username:jks_password@"$(echo ${BUILD_URL} | sed -r 's/http:\/\///g')"/api/json"
# Cut the JOB_NAME part from BUILD_URL
JOB_NAME=$(echo ${BUILD_URL} | sed -n 's/.*\/job\/\(.*\)\/[0-9].*/\1/p' | sed "s@+@ @g;s@%@\\\\x@g" | xargs -0 printf "%b")
# Get the built info json
JSON=$(curl $NEW_URL)
STATUS=$(echo $JSON | /usr/local/bin/jsawk "return this.result")
BUILD_INFO=$(echo $JSON | /usr/local/bin/jsawk "return this.displayName")
TIME=$(echo $JSON | /usr/local/bin/jsawk "return this.duration")
TIME=$(echo "scale=4; $TIME/1000" | bc -l)
# Cut the username
USER=$(echo $JSON | /usr/local/bin/jsawk "return this" | sed -n "s/.*Started\ by\ \([^\"]*\).*/\1/p")
# Customize the message sending to slack
TEXT=$JOB_NAME" Built by "$USER", it took "$TIME" seconds."
# Send notification using Slack API
# will send to https://hooks.slack.com/services/BLABLABLA/BLABLABLA
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"channel": "#production_info","username": "jenkins-bot","icon_emoji": ":lol:","text": "'"$TEXT"' (<'"$BUILD_URL"'|Open>)", "attachments": [{"color": "#36a64f", "fields": [{"title":"UPDATE INFO","value":"'"$BUILD_INFO"'","short":true},{"title":"RESULT","value":"'"$STATUS"'","short":true}]}]}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/BLABLABLA/BLABLABLA/BLABLABLABLABLABLA