How to convert the seconds in this format “HH:mm:ss”

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栀梦 2021-02-06 23:31

I want to convert the second/milliseconds in this format \"HH:mm:ss\" (for esamples, from 5 seconds to 00:00:05). I tried to get that format in this way:

int mil         

  • 2021-02-07 00:00

    I wrote a simple utility function for this task which does not require any Java version nor instantiates any unnecessary objects:

     * provides a String representation of the given time
     * @return {@code millis} in hh:mm:ss format
    public static final String formatTime(long millis) {
        long secs = millis / 1000;
        return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", secs / 3600, (secs % 3600) / 60, secs % 60);

    Unlike some other solutions here, this can even deal with up to 100 hours

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  • 2021-02-07 00:02

    Java 9 answer:

        Duration dur = Duration.ofMillis(millis);
                           dur.toHours(), dur.toMinutesPart(), dur.toSecondsPart()));

    (not tested yet)

    The toXxPart methods are described in the API docs for Java 9.

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  • 2021-02-07 00:06


    The long value 5000 means 5 seconds after the epoch. For the majority of timezones, 5 seconds after the epoch is not 5 seconds past midnight local time.

    Java 8 update:

    java.time.LocalTime will handle the idea of a wall-clock "time of day" without you having to worry about the timezones and days implicit in java.util.Date. If you can use Java 8, and your durations will always be less than a day, then a correct version of your example can be as simple as:

    int millis = 5000;
    int seconds = millis / 1000; // Maybe no need to divide if the input is in seconds
    LocalTime timeOfDay = LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(seconds);
    String time = timeOfDay.toString();

    (I guess strictly speaking, java.time.Duration is a better model of what you want, in that it represents a certain number of seconds, rather than a time-of-day. But it's a pain to format into hh:mm:ss, so if you're always dealing with sub-24hour values, TimeOfDay gives you this formatting for free and is otherwise equivalent.)

    If you're stuck with Java 7 or below, then explicitly specifying a timezone of GMT in your example code should give you the output you expect.

    Here's a Scala REPL session demonstrating the problem, and Java 7 solution, on my machine:

    scala> val millis = 5000
    millis: Int = 5000
    scala> val df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss")
    df: java.text.SimpleDateFormat = java.text.SimpleDateFormat@8140d380
    scala> df.format(millis)
    res0: java.lang.String = 01:00:05
    scala> df.getTimeZone.getID
    res1: java.lang.String = GB
    scala> df.getTimeZone.getOffset(millis)
    res2: Int = 3600000
    scala> df.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"))
    scala> df.format(millis)
    res3: java.lang.String = 00:00:05

    So you can see that my default time zone is GB, which has a 1 hour offset from GMT at the time denoted by 5000L. Setting the timezone to GMT gievs the expected output of 00:00:05.

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  • 2021-02-07 00:06

    You should get SimpleDateFormat with Locale argument.

    public static String getDateFromMillis(long millis) {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault());
        return formatter.format(new Date(millis));
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-07 00:12

    I got this to work. Let me know if it works for you. Seems like a lot of lines to do something seemingly simple..

        int millis = 5000;
        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
        String time = df.format(new Date(millis));
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-07 00:18
    public class HHMMSS {
            final int UUR = 3600;
            final int MINUUT = 60;
        public void converteerTijd() {
            int uren, minuten, seconden, ingave;
            System.out.print("Geef een aantal seconden: ");
            ingave = Input.readInt();
            uren = ingave / UUR;
            minuten = (ingave - uren * UUR) / MINUUT;
            seconden = ingave - uren * UUR - minuten * MINUUT;
            String nU1 = (uren < 10) ? "0" : "";
            String nM1 = (minuten < 10) ? "0" : "";
            String nS1 = (seconden < 10) ? "0" : "";
            System.out.println(nU1 + uren + "-" + nM1 + minuten + "-" + nS1 + seconden);
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