I\'m running PHPUnit using a bootstrap file for autoloading classes (generated by composer).
All my tests load up classes just fine, but for two of my tests, I made a \
In PHP 7.0+ extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
changed to extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
, try this one.
I ran into the same problem and if you are not too familiar with the inner workings of both PHPUnit and Composer this can indeed seem perplexing.
PHPunit does not use use the Composer autoloader to find any of your test classes. It just scans any directory you give it and operates on one file at a time.
Hence it does not know about any other class than the one in the file it is currently operating on. That is where the bootstrap file comes into play.
If you want to use the Composer Autoloader to load other test classes, you need to tell it where it can find these test classes (and, optionally, in which namespace).
There are two ways to do this:
or autoload-dev
The autoload-dev
sections allows you to define autoload rules for development purposes.
Quoting directly from the manual:
Classes needed to run the test suite should not be included in the main autoload rules to avoid polluting the autoloader in production and when other people use your package as a dependency.
Therefore, it is a good idea to rely on a dedicated path for your unit tests and to add it within the autoload-dev section.
{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "MyLibrary\\": "src/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "MyLibrary\\Tests\\": "tests/" } } }
An alternative would be to get the Composer Autoloader and add
your testing namespace (if you have any) and the directory where your tests live. How to do this, as described in the manual (at the bottom of the autoloading section in "Basic Usage") is :
$loader = require('/path/to/vendor/autoload.php'); $loader->add('Test\\', __DIR__ . '/Tests');
If your tests use namespaces that mirror the test directory and you still run into trouble, you can try omitting the prefix by replacing the first parameter ('Test\\'
) with ''
If you want further insight into how all of this works you should take a look at the Composer ClassLoader class, especially the add()
and findFile()
I'm not sure if you still need a solution, but this worked for me:
Non-testable base class extending PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
For me the solution was much simpler.
to test
at the end of the file and the class nameBaseSomethingtest.php
namespace Something\Tests\Sub1\Sub2;
class BaseSomethingtest
, phpunit
didn't call itBaseSomethingTestCase.php
namespace Something\Tests\Sub1\Sub2;
class BaseSomethingTestCase