CASE WHEN with ORM (SQLalchemy)

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孤独总比滥情好 2021-02-06 22:24

I am using SQLAlchemy with the ORM paragdim. I don\'t manage to find a way to do a CASE WHEN instruction. I don\'t find info about this on the web.

Is it possible ?

  • 2021-02-06 22:30

    Here is the link in the doc:

    but it confused me to see those examples, and there is no runnable code. I have try many times, and I have met many kinds of problem.

    Finally, I found two ways to implement "Case when" within sqlalchemy.

    The first way:

    By the way, my occasion is I need to mask the phone field depending on if the user has logged in.

        def requirement_list_common_query(user=None):
          `enter code here`  phone_mask = case(
                    (db.true() if user else db.false(), Requirement.temp_phone),
                else_=func.concat(func.left(Requirement.temp_phone, 3), '****', func.right(Requirement.temp_phone, 4))
            query = db.session.query(Requirement.company_id,
                                     # Requirement.temp_phone,
            query = query.join(Company, == Requirement.company_id) \
                .join(User, == Requirement.user_id)
            return query

    Requirement is my one of my models. the user argument in the method 'requirement_list_common_query' is the logged-in user if the user has logged in.

    the second way: the occasion here is I want to classify the employees depend on their income.

    the models are:

    class Dept(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'dept'
        deptno = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        dname = Column(String(14))
        loc = Column(String(13))
        def __repr__(self):
            return str({
                'deptno': self.deptno,
                'dname': self.dname,
                'loc': self.loc
    class Emp(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'emp'
        empno = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        ename = Column(String(10))
        job = Column(String(9))
        mgr = Column(Integer)
        hiredate = Column(Date)
        sal = Column(DECIMAL(7, 2))
        comm = Column(DECIMAL(7, 2))
        deptno = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dept.deptno'))
        def __repr__(self):
            return str({
                'empno': self.empno,
                'ename': self.ename,
                'job': self.job,
                'deptno': self.deptno,
                'comm': self.comm

    Here is the code:

    from sqlalchemy import text
    income_level = case(
            (text('(emp.sal + ifnull(emp.comm,0))<1500'), 'LOW_INCOME'),
            (text('1500<=(emp.sal + ifnull(emp.comm,0))<3500'), 'MIDDLE_INCOME'),
            (text('(emp.sal + ifnull(emp.comm,0))>=3500'), 'HIGH_INCOME'),
        ], else_='UNKNOWN'
    emps = sess.query(Emp.ename, label('income', Emp.sal + func.ifnull(Emp.comm, 0)),
    for item in emps:
        print(item.ename, item.income, item.income_level)

    why did I use "text"? Because code like this in SQLAlchemy 1.2.8 can't be implemented. I have tried so long and I can't find way like this, as @van has said:

    case([(orderline.c.qty > 100, item.c.specialprice),
          (orderline.c.qty > 10, item.c.bulkprice)
        ], else_=item.c.regularprice)
    case(value=emp.c.type, whens={
            'engineer': emp.c.salary * 1.1,
            'manager':  emp.c.salary * 3,

    hopes it will help!

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 22:45

    See function and more examples on the documentation page. But it would look like this (verbatim from the documentation linked to):

    case([(orderline.c.qty > 100, item.c.specialprice),
          (orderline.c.qty > 10, item.c.bulkprice)
        ], else_=item.c.regularprice)
    case(value=emp.c.type, whens={
            'engineer': emp.c.salary * 1.1,
            'manager':  emp.c.salary * 3,

    edit-1: (answering the comment) Sure you can, see example below:

    class User(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'users'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
        first_name = Column(String)
        last_name = Column(String)
    xpr = case([(User.first_name != None, User.first_name + " " + User.last_name),],
            else_ = User.last_name).label("full_name")
    qry = session.query(, xpr)
    for _usr in qry:
        print _usr.fullname

    Also see Using a hybrid for an example of case used in the hybrid properties.

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  • 2021-02-06 22:54

    I got this to work with an aggregate function, in this case func.sum

    My Example Code

    from sqlalchemy import func, case
    my_case_stmt = case(
            (MyTable.hit_type.in_(['easy', 'medium']), 1),
            (MyTable.hit_type == 'hard', 3)
    score = db.session.query(
        MyTable.success == 1
    return score.scalar()

    My Use Case

    MyTable looks like this:

    |   hit_type     |  success |  
    |   easy         |   1      |  
    |   medium       |   1      |  
    |   easy         |   0      |  
    |   hard         |   1      |  
    |   easy         |   0      |
    |   easy         |   1      |  
    |   medium       |   1      |  
    |   hard         |   1      |

    score is computed as such: score = num_easy_hits + num_medium_hits + (3 * num_hard_hits)

    4 successful easy/medium hits and 2 successful hard hits gives you (4 + (2*3)) = 10

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