On FullCalendar, in the month view, is there a way to hide an event\'s start time?
Although @Riz was correct at the time of posting, the css has changed in recent versions and now you'd need the following.
.fc-day-grid-event .fc-time{
According to http://fullcalendar.io/docs/text/timeFormat/ , you just need to set time format in fullCalendar settings:
events: [
timeFormat: ' '
Just add to calendar options
displayEventTime: false
To hide them all, the following should work
displayEventTime : false
But if you (like me) were trying to hide the time of a specific event, I found pretty clean way.
Just create the following CSS class and refer to it in the event property "className":
.hideCalendarTime > div > span.fc-time{
And your event should look something like this:
var newEvent = new Object();
newEvent.title = "Something";
newEvent.start = new Date();
newEvent.allDay = false;
newEvent.className = "hideCalendarTime";
remind that the CSS class name has changed to
.fc-time {
The following hides the date on the month view only:
.fc-view-month .fc-event-time{
display : none;