I\'m using laravel (5.1) blade template engine with the localization feature.
There is a language file messages.php
within the /resources/lang/en/
Add a blade directive to the app/Providers/AppServiceProvider's boot() function:
public function boot() {
Blade::directive('lang_u', function ($s) {
return "<?php echo ucfirst(trans($s)); ?>";
This way you can use the following in your blade files:
which outputs: Welcome
You're @lang_u('messages.welcome') :)
Use PHP's native ucfirst function:
{{ ucfirst(trans('messages.welcome')) }}
I think that the best option is use CSS text-transform property
In your CSS file:
.lowercase {
text-transform: lowercase;
.uppercase {
text-transform: uppercase;
.capitalize {
text-transform: capitalize;
Your blade (html) file:
<p class="lowercase">{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}</p> <!-- This will display welcome -->
<p class="uppercase">{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}</p> <!-- This will display WELCOME -->
<p class="capitalize">{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}</p><!-- This will display Welcome -->
Or, the best option for me, use bootstrap
<p class="text-lowercase">{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}</p><!-- This will display welcome -->
<p class="text-uppercase">{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}</p><!-- This will display WELCOME -->
<p class="text-capitalize">{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}</p><!-- This will display Welcome -->
Another way to make capitalize first letter using PHP and blade.
return view('stock.uk-lse', ['name' => 'djan']);
<h1>{{ ucfirst($name) }}</h1>