I have following Angular 2 form:
field: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.minLength(8)])]
This only works with multiple validators.
This really caught me out as well as I matched the key in my markup to what I had in code which is incorrect.
Sample Code
password1: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(8)]],
Sample Markup
Note in the code it's minlength
entirely in lower case.
This worked for me for password validation.
<input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" placeholder="Password" [(ngModel)]="register.password" #password="ngModel" minlength="6" required>
I had the same problem where I wanted to validate a number field that contained the year, so I used Validators.maxLength(4)
to make sure someone does not accidently type 5 numbers for a year. Turns out when you set the input type to number:
<input type="number" formControlName='year'>
then maxLength does not "work" anymore. Which actually makes sense if you think about it for half a second.
So I changed my date input to:
year: [null, [Validators.required, Validators.min(1990), Validators.max(2050)]],
Which is the right approach when working with a number field.
<div *ngIf = "password.errors.minLength && !password.errors.required" class = "alert alert-danger">
<span>Password should contain 6 characters</span>
minLength must be lowercase minlength
I was facing the same issue but after so many research I got a solution with this, Please use minlength insted of minLength Here is the example.
<div *ngIf = "password.errors.minlength && !password.errors.required" class = "alert alert-danger">
<span>Password should contain 6 characters</span>
Instead of
<div *ngIf = "password.errors.minLength && !password.errors.required" class = "alert alert-danger">
<span>Password should contain 6 characters</span>
Hope this will help someone, Thanks