I have a class:
class A {
public string a = \"A-val\" , b = \"B-val\";
I want to print the object members by reflection
Once fixed to get rid of the errors (lacking a semi-colon and a bad variable name), the code you've posted does work - I've just tried it and it showed the names and values with no problems.
My guess is that in reality, you're trying to use fields which aren't public. This code:
FieldInfo[] fields = data.GetType().GetFields();
... will only get public fields. You would normally need to specify that you also want non-public fields:
FieldInfo[] fields = data.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
(I hope you don't really have public fields, after all...)
Remember when you write fields like :
public string VarName{ get; set;}
Then actually you have this code(this is what reflection see) :
private string _varName;
public string get_VarName(){
public void set_VarName(strig value){
As @Stanislav say, you must keep in mind the backing fields generated by the compiler for properties. If you want to exclude these fields you can use the following code:
FieldInfo[] fields = data.GetType()
.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(f => f.GetCustomAttribute<CompilerGeneratedAttribute>() == null)