I\'m learning laravel, and I\'m stuck on a simple process. I want the tables to be generated as UTF-8 but varchar and text fields are like latin-1.
Schema section in gui
Seems not implement actually for individual schema build in Laravel 3 master. (find nothing in source code)
I think you need to do this manually ( try with raw query )
I'm stuck on the same, I guess there is no way in Laravel to change/set collation of the charset. But you can change the default collation for charset in your my.ini/my.cnf
of your MySQL Server!
collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
Here is my solution
1.add public $charset;
in the laravel/database/schema/table.php under public $engine;
2.replace the function create in laravel/database/schema/grammars/mysql.php like this
public function create(Table $table, Fluent $command)
$columns = implode(', ', $this->columns($table));
// First we will generate the base table creation statement. Other than auto
// incrementing keys, no indexes will be created during the first creation
// of the table as they're added in separate commands.
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$this->wrap($table).' ('.$columns.')';
if ( ! is_null($table->engine))
$sql .= ' ENGINE = '.$table->engine;
if ( ! is_null($table->charset))
$sql.="DEFAULT CHARSET=".$table->charset;
return $sql;
3.now you can set any charset in your migration php such as $table->charset='utf8';
Just solved it, (using mysql 5.5 (5.5.29)) with Linux Mint 13 Mate (based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
I added these lines on /etc/mysqld/my.cnf
default-character-set = utf8
init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci'
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
This way, SQL queries worked on shell as it should, but on laravel or phpmyadmin etc, they didn't work. So I did this:
I opened /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset and removed the ; from this line:
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Then I restarted apache2 and mysql, now it works as it should.
Later Edit: That GitHub Core Hack works like a treat. I ended up doing it.
Support for MySQL character sets
and collation
has been added to Laravel 4
Check this example.