I have the following query method in my ActiveRecord model:
def self.tagged_with( string )
array = string.split(\',\').map{ |s| s.lstrip }
You could change your select statement to the following:
select('distinct photos.*').joins(:tags).where('tags.name = ?', array.join(' OR '))
Which will properly create the OR string in the where clause.
This should work:
def self.tagged_with( string )
array = string.split(',').map{ |s| s.lstrip }
select('distinct photos.*').
where('tags.name' => array).
having("count(*) = #{array.size}")
Above will match photos that have tags red and blue at least. So that means if a photo has red, blue and green tags, that photo would match too.
LOL the solution for this is not a simple task--I thought through it from a SQL standpoint and it was UGLY. I figured somebody else has to have tried this so I did some searching and found this post that should help you:
HABTM finds with "AND" joins, NOT "OR"