xpath parent attribute of selection

前端 未结 3 811
不思量自难忘° 2021-02-06 19:26

Syntax of the xml document:


  • 2021-02-06 19:30

    Instead of traversing back to the parent, just find the right parent to begin with:

    • //x will select all x elements.
    • //x[//z] will select all x elements which have z elements as descendants.
    • //x[//z]/@name will get the name attribute of each of those elements.
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  • 2021-02-06 19:33

    I dont have a reputation, so I cannot add comment to accepted answer by Blender. But his answer will not work in general. Correct version is


    Explanation is simple - when you use filter like [//z] it will search for 'z' in global context, i.e. it returns true if xml contains at least one node z anywhere in xml. For example, it will select both names from xml below:

      <x name="NOT-THIS">
      <x name="GET-THIS">

    Filter [.//z] use context of current node (.) which is xand return only 2nd name.

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  • 2021-02-06 19:40

    You already have a good accepted answer, but here are some other helpful expressions:

    • //z/ancestor::x/@name - Find <z> elements anywhere, then find all the ancestor <x> elements, and then the name="…" attributes of them.

    • //z/../../@name - Find the <z> elements, and then find the parent node(s) of those, and then the parent node(s) of those, and then the name attribute(s) of the final set.

      • This is the same as: //z/parent::*/parent::*/@name, where the * means "an element with any name".
    • The // is useful, but inefficient. If you know that the hierarchy is x/y/z, then it is more efficient to do something like //x[y/z]/@name

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