I am using SQL Server 2005. Is there any command or GUI tool (e.g. any menu/function from SQL Server management studio) to convert database table into XML schema file (.xsd)?
You can write to file like this:
bcp.exe "select top 0 * from (select 1 as iCol) as t for xml auto, xmlschema" queryout outfile.xsd -T -c
I'm Using the TOP 0 to exclude the xml of the actual query data since you only want the schema. The -c causes it to be plain character data in the output, use -w instead if you want utf-16 (unicode) output.
EDIT - and if you want to change the xml structure, look at PATH with FOR XML.
Declare @SQL nvarchar(1000) SET @SQL= 'bcp.exe '+ '"select * from yourdbname.yourschema.yourtablename for xml path (''record''), ROOT (''tabel'')"' +' queryout '+ 'c:\yourfilename.xsd' +' -w -r -t -SyourServerName -T'
print @SQL EXEC Master..xp_CmdShell @SQL
Replace allvalues starts with 'your', accordingly
I've found this. Give it a try
Select CourseID, Name, CoursePrice
FROM CouseMaster.Course Course