Every two minutes i want to check whether i received some message so want to reload my page every 2 minutes how to reload my php page using javascript
<body onload="setInterval('window.location.reload()', 120000);">
Quick and dirty:
setTimeout( function() {
}, 120000);
Though I think there could possibly be a fancier way of doing this, this is just what I know though.
I recommend looking into doing it with ajax. Look at the jQuery library, or any of the JavaScript libraries.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="n">
What if your client doesn't have javascript e.g feature phone browsers? Put that in the head folder of your HTML header. n is the number of seconds for the refresh intervals.
The easiest way I found out which is also javascript proof.
This code goes in between the HEAD tags.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="15">
The above code reloads the page every 15 seconds. Change 15 to the desired value as required. For eg; 300 for a page to reload every 5 minutes.
Why are you sticking on javascript. You can do this without Javascript too.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=http://path/to/the/page" />