I\'m using Python and OpenCV to detect contours in my image. But when I run the following code to draw only a specific contour using the contour index, since the indices allocat
Implements de sort function of list in python like here.
In the implemented function you calculate the center and verify if the X position is gretter or smaller them the other. If gretter return 1, smaller -1 and equals 0.
def greater(a, b):
momA = cv2.moments(a)
(xa,ya) = int(momA['m10']/momA['m00']), int(momA['m01']/momA['m00'])
momB = cv2.moments(b)
(xb,yb) = int(momB['m10']/momB['m00']), int(momB['m01']/momB['m00'])
if xa > xb:
return 1
if xa == xb:
return 0
return -1
For sure you can do better if you calculate the centers only once.
then just do