I am looking for qrcode generator for python window version. Can anyone help me to find out.
I didn\'t get anywhere.
Please help me.
Thanks, manu
pyqrnative is working pretty well for me. I wish I could find some documentation in English for it. Would like to know the relationship between data content size and the first "typeNumber" argument.
either you have to
pip install pyqrencode
)If you don't have pip, I suggest you start by installing setuptools and then use easy_install
to install pip (of course, you can cut corners by just doing an easy_install pyqrencode
Try pyqrnative
it's a Python port of an existing Javascript library to generate QR Codes.
The self-proclaimed hackish pyqrcode seems to do both decode and encode. The encode is in C++ and the Decode is in Java. Python glues them together.