I have an app with a splash-screen which after a few seconds opens up the main activity that has a WebView. The problem is that, only then, does the main activity start to load
make a layout with a spash screen ABOVE your webview and setVisibility to View.GONE after X seconds. if you load the webview on onCreate it will be loaded behind the splash, and when the splash screen disapears you have a already loaded Webview :)
Follow these steps..
1) set splash layout on your screen.
2) start a new thread, in this thread inflate a layout that contains webview.
3) Load url in webView. Set webview Client to webview to know when your page loading completes. There is a quick example. override onPageFinished.
4) Now break the thread and pass this inflated view to next activity, and set it to setContentView(inflatedView);