Internet History Script For Google Chrome

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暖寄归人 2021-02-06 15:48

I\'m not looking for a \"best\" or most efficient script to do this. But I was wondering if there exists a script to pull Internet History for a day\'s time from, say, Google Ch

  • 2021-02-06 16:13

    This isn't exactly what you are looking for. However, by using this you can manipulate the database tables to your liking

    import os
    import sqlite3
    def Find_path():
        User_profile = os.environ.get("USERPROFILE")
        History_path = User_profile + r"\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History" #Usually this is where the chrome history file is located, change it if you need to.
        return History_path
    def Main():
        data_base = Find_path()            
        con = sqlite3.connect(data_base) #Connect to the database
        c = con.cursor()
        c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name") #Change this to your prefered query
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 16:17

    Dodged sqlite3/sqlite, I'm using the Google Chrome extension "Export History", exporting everything into a CSV file, and subsequently loading that CSV file into cells within MATLAB.

    Export History

    My code turned out to be:

    file_o = ['history.csv'];
    fid = fopen(file_o, 'rt');
    fmt = [repmat('%s', 1, 6) '%*[^\n]'];
    C = textscan(fid,fmt,'Delimiter',',','CollectOutput',true);
    C_unpacked = C{:}; 
    C_urls = C_unpacked(1:4199, 5);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 16:20

    Building on what m170897017 said:

    That file is an sqlite3 database, so taking repr() of its contents won't do anything meaningful.

    You need to open the sqlite database and run SQL against it to get the data out. In python use the sqlite3 library in the stdlib to do this.

    Here's a related SuperUser question that shows some SQL for getting URLs and timestamps:

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 16:23

    From my understanding, it seems easy to be done. I don't know if this is what you want. Internet history from Chrome is stored at a specific path. Take Win7 for example, it's stored at win7: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History

    In Python:

    f = open('C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History', 'rb')
    data =
    f = open('your_expected_file_path', 'w')
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 16:31

    Here's another one:

    import csv, sqlite3, os
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    connection = sqlite3.connect(os.getenv("APPDATA") + "\..\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\history")
    connection.text_factory = str
    cur = connection.cursor()
    output_file = open('chrome_history.csv', 'wb')
    csv_writer = csv.writer(output_file)
    headers = ('URL', 'Title', 'Visit Count', 'Date (GMT)')
    epoch = datetime(1601, 1, 1)
    for row in (cur.execute('select url, title, visit_count, last_visit_time from urls')):
        row = list(row)
        url_time = epoch + timedelta(microseconds=row[3])
        row[3] = url_time
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