I use angularjs in project.
I get array of objects from the server. Each object contains few properties and one of them is date property.
Here is the Array
Further to @Travis Heeter's answer, this returns the object that contains the latest date:
array.reduce((a, b) => (a.MeasureDate > b.MeasureDate ? a : b));
A more robust solution perhaps might be convert the strings into Date
objects every time. Could be noticeably slower if dealing with (very) large arrays:
array.reduce((a, b) => {
return new Date(a.MeasureDate) > new Date(b.MeasureDate) ? a : b;
If you want to get the whole Object, not just the date...
If OP's array of Objects was assigned to a
this is how you get the Object with the most recent date:
var mostRecentDate = new Date(Math.max.apply(null, a.map( e => {
return new Date(e.MeasureDate);
var mostRecentObject = a.filter( e => {
var d = new Date( e.MeasureDate );
return d.getTime() == mostRecentDate.getTime();
new Date
is applied to each date, making Date Objectsa.filter
loops through the original a
is returned, and .filter
gives us just that object.Note: This solution is an extension of @archyqwerty's answer above. Their solution gave only the most recent date from an array of objects, this solution gives you the whole Object that the date was a member of.
function getLatestDate(data) {
// convert to timestamp and sort
var sorted_ms = data.map(function(item) {
return new Date(item.MeasureDate).getTime()
// take latest
var latest_ms = sorted_ms[sorted_ms.length-1];
// convert to js date object
return new Date(latest_ms);
var data = [{MeasureDate: "2014-10-04T16:10:00"},
{MeasureDate: "2013-10-04T16:10:00"},
{MeasureDate: "2012-10-04T16:10:00"}];
getLatestDate(data).toString(); // "Sat Oct 04 2014 18:10:00 GMT+0200 (CEST)"
This function returns the latest date as a JavaScript date Object. You can also turn it into an ISO-String (the format of your source data) with the Date-Object method toISOString().
var date_str = "2012-10-04T16:10:00";
(new Date(date_str)).toISOString(); // "2012-10-04T16:10:00.000Z"
As you can see the result of the method includes always zero milliseconds in the end. If you need your original ISO data-string as a result, you may want to go with the following function:
function getLatestDate2(data) {
var sorted = data.map(function(item) {
var MeasureDate = item.MeasureDate;
return {original_str: MeasureDate,
in_ms: (new Date(MeasureDate)).getTime()}
}).sort(function(item1, item2) {
return (item1.in_ms < item2.in_ms)
// take latest
var latest = sorted[0];
return latest.original_str;
getLatestDate2(data); // "2014-10-04T16:10:00"
Inspired by many of the suggestions and comments in this thread, here is another solution for the problem. It's very fast, since there is no date object convertion.
function getLatestDate(xs) {
if (xs.length) {
return xs.reduce((m, i) => (i.MeasureDate > m) && i || m, "")
Here's a version for Browser's not supporting arrow functions:
function getLatestDateSave(xs) {
if (xs.length) {
return xs.reduce(function(m, i) {
return (i.MeasureDate > m) && i || m;
}, "").MeasureDate;
This how I picked lasest/highest date
var maxLastseen= obj.sort((a,b) => new Date(b.lastS).getTime() - new Date(a.lastS).getTime())[0];
var dates = [];
dates.push(new Date("2019/06/25"));
dates.push(new Date("2019/06/26"));
dates.push(new Date("2019/06/27"));
dates.push(new Date("2019/06/28"));
function GFG_Fun() {
var maximumDate=new Date(Math.max.apply(null, dates));
var minimumDate=new Date(Math.min.apply(null, dates));