I am trying to understand threading in Python. I\'ve looked at the documentation and examples, but quite frankly, many examples are overly sophisticated and I\'m having trou
Given a function, f
, thread it like this:
import threading
To pass arguments to f
threading.Thread(target=f, args=(a,b,c)).start()
With borrowing from this post we know about choosing between the multithreading, multiprocessing, and async/asyncio
and their usage.
Python 3 has a new built-in library in order to concurrency and parallelism: concurrent.futures
So I'll demonstrate through an experiment to run four tasks (i.e. .sleep()
method) by Threading-Pool
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from time import sleep, time
def concurrent(max_worker):
futures = []
tic = time()
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_worker) as executor:
futures.append(executor.submit(sleep, 2)) # Two seconds sleep
futures.append(executor.submit(sleep, 1))
futures.append(executor.submit(sleep, 7))
futures.append(executor.submit(sleep, 3))
for future in as_completed(futures):
if future.result() is not None:
print(f'Total elapsed time by {max_worker} workers:', time()-tic)
Total elapsed time by 5 workers: 7.007831811904907
Total elapsed time by 4 workers: 7.007944107055664
Total elapsed time by 3 workers: 7.003149509429932
Total elapsed time by 2 workers: 8.004627466201782
Total elapsed time by 1 workers: 13.013478994369507
vs threading
) you could change the ThreadPoolExecutor
to ProcessPoolExecutor
.Using the blazing new concurrent.futures module
def sqr(val):
import time
return val * val
def process_result(result):
def process_these_asap(tasks):
import concurrent.futures
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures = []
for task in tasks:
futures.append(executor.submit(sqr, task))
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
# Or instead of all this just do:
# results = executor.map(sqr, tasks)
# list(map(process_result, results))
def main():
tasks = list(range(10))
print('Processing {} tasks'.format(len(tasks)))
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
The executor approach might seem familiar to all those who have gotten their hands dirty with Java before.
Also on a side note: To keep the universe sane, don't forget to close your pools/executors if you don't use with
context (which is so awesome that it does it for you)
NOTE: For actual parallelization in Python, you should use the multiprocessing module to fork multiple processes that execute in parallel (due to the global interpreter lock, Python threads provide interleaving, but they are in fact executed serially, not in parallel, and are only useful when interleaving I/O operations).
However, if you are merely looking for interleaving (or are doing I/O operations that can be parallelized despite the global interpreter lock), then the threading module is the place to start. As a really simple example, let's consider the problem of summing a large range by summing subranges in parallel:
import threading
class SummingThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,low,high):
super(SummingThread, self).__init__()
def run(self):
for i in range(self.low,self.high):
thread1 = SummingThread(0,500000)
thread2 = SummingThread(500000,1000000)
thread1.start() # This actually causes the thread to run
thread1.join() # This waits until the thread has completed
# At this point, both threads have completed
result = thread1.total + thread2.total
print result
Note that the above is a very stupid example, as it does absolutely no I/O and will be executed serially albeit interleaved (with the added overhead of context switching) in CPython due to the global interpreter lock.
I found this very useful: create as many threads as cores and let them execute a (large) number of tasks (in this case, calling a shell program):
import Queue
import threading
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
q = Queue.Queue()
for i in range(30): # Put 30 tasks in the queue
def worker():
while True:
item = q.get()
# Execute a task: call a shell program and wait until it completes
subprocess.call("echo " + str(item), shell=True)
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Detect number of cores
print("Creating %d threads" % cpus)
for i in range(cpus):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
t.daemon = True
q.join() # Block until all tasks are done
Here is the very simple example of CSV import using threading. (Library inclusion may differ for different purpose.)
Helper Functions:
from threading import Thread
from project import app
import csv
def import_handler(csv_file_name):
thr = Thread(target=dump_async_csv_data, args=[csv_file_name])
def dump_async_csv_data(csv_file_name):
with app.app_context():
with open(csv_file_name) as File:
reader = csv.DictReader(File)
for row in reader:
# DB operation/query
Driver Function: