I\'m attempting to install and configure Django AllAuth and I\'ve run into a plethora of obstacles. Im afraid I\'m simply missing a few basic concepts which might clear some thi
1) Have a look here: https://speakerdeck.com/tedtieken/signing-up-and-signing-in-users-in-django-with-django-allauth
(specifically, slide 61 and above)
2) Simply use in your redirect URLs
3) By default allauth redirects to LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
, which is set out of the box to /accounts/profile/: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#login-redirect-url
4) As I am the author of allauth I will skip answering this question myself. Browse through the complete presentation referred to by 1) -- the initial slides provide a good comparison of the various options.