I\'m trying to make a custom message box with my controls.
public static partial class Msg : Form
public static void show(string content, string descri
You don't need to make the class static
in order to call one of its methods statically — it's sufficient to declare the particular method as static
public partial class DetailedMessageBox : Form
public DetailedMessageBox()
public static void ShowMessage(string content, string description)
DetailedMessageBox messageBox = new DetailedMessageBox();
We are using messageBox.ShowDialog()
to have the form being displayed as a modal window. You can display the message box using DetailedMessageBox.ShowMessage("Content", "Description");
By the way, you should rethink your naming and stick to a consistent naming pattern. Msg
and show
are weak names that do no match the Naming Guidelines — you would definitely want to check those out!
In a WPF project you can add a new window and call it MessageBoxCustom then inside C# the Void where you can find InitialiseComponent(); you add 2 properties and bind those properties to the textBlocks you should have created inside your XAML view Example:
public MessageBoxCustom(string Message, string Title)
InitialiseComponent();//this comes first to load Front End
textblock1.Text = Title;
textblock2.Text = Message;
Just position your TextBlocks where you want them to be displayed in XAML
From your Main Window you can call that message box like this
private void Button_Click()
MessageBoxCustom msg = new MessageBoxCustom("Your message here","Your title her");
You don't need the class to be static. Just do something like:
public partial class Msg : Form
public static void show(string content, string description)
Msg message = new Msg(...);
Your form class needs not to be static
. In fact, a static class cannot inherit at all.
Instead, create an internal
form class that derives from Form
and provide a public static
helper method to show it.
This static method may be defined in a different class if you don't want the callers to even “know” about the underlying form.
/// <summary>
/// The form internally used by <see cref="CustomMessageBox"/> class.
/// </summary>
internal partial class CustomMessageForm : Form
/// <summary>
/// This constructor is required for designer support.
/// </summary>
public CustomMessageForm ()
public CustomMessageForm (string title, string description)
this.titleLabel.Text = title;
this.descriptionLabel.Text = description;
/// <summary>
/// Your custom message box helper.
/// </summary>
public static class CustomMessageBox
public static void Show (string title, string description)
// using construct ensures the resources are freed when form is closed
using (var form = new CustomMessageForm (title, description)) {
form.ShowDialog ();
Side note: as Jalal points out, you don't have to make a class static
in order to have static
methods in it. But I would still separate the “helper” class from the actual form so the callers cannot create the form with a constructor (unless they're in the same assembly of course).