I\'m trying to do an image conversion in a rails app from SVG to PNG. ImageMagick didn\'t work out for me, due to Heroku not able / wanting to upgrade IM at this time. I\'m te
Ah ha! I was so close and its pretty obvious in hindsight. Simply call the surface.write_to_png function with a StringIO object. This fills the string object, which you can then get the bytes for. Here's the finished svg_to_png function I wrote, along with a sample controller that calls it. Hope this helps someone else somewhere.
ImageConvert function:
def self.svg_to_png(svg)
svg = RSVG::Handle.new_from_data(svg)
surface = Cairo::ImageSurface.new(Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 800, 800)
context = Cairo::Context.new(surface)
b = StringIO.new
return b.string
Test controller:
def svg_img
path = File.expand_path('../../../public/images/test.svg', __FILE__)
f = File.open(path, 'r')
t = ImageConvert.svg_to_png(f.read)
send_data(t , :filename => 'test.png', :type=>'image/png')