Play [Scala]: How to flatten a JSON object

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無奈伤痛 2021-02-06 13:07

Given the following JSON...

  \"metadata\": {
    \"id\": \"1234\",
    \"type\": \"file\",
    \"length\": 395

... how do I convert it

  • 2021-02-06 13:39

    Thanks m-z, it is very helpful. (I'm not so familiar with Scala.)

    I'd like to add a line for "flatten" working with primitive JSON array like "{metadata: ["aaa", "bob"]}".

      def flatten(js: JsValue, prefix: String = ""): Seq[JsValue] = {
        // JSON primitive array can't convert to JsObject
        if(!js.isInstanceOf[JsObject]) return Seq(Json.obj(prefix -> js))
   [JsObject].fieldSet.toSeq.flatMap{ case (key, values) =>
          values match {
            case JsBoolean(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
            case JsNumber(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
            case JsString(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
            case JsArray(seq) => seq.zipWithIndex.flatMap{ case (x, i) => flatten(x, concat(prefix, key + s"[$i]")) }
            case x: JsObject => flatten(x, concat(prefix, key))
            case _ => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> JsNull))
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 13:42

    You can do this pretty concisely with Play's JSON transformers. The following is off the top of my head, and I'm sure it could be greatly improved on:

    import play.api.libs.json._
    val flattenMeta = (__ \ 'metadata).read[JsObject].flatMap(
      _.fields.foldLeft((__ \ 'metadata).json.prune) {
        case (acc, (k, v)) => acc andThen __.json.update(
          Reads.of[JsObject].map(_ + (s"metadata.$k" -> v))

    And then:

    val json = Json.parse("""
        "metadata": {
          "id": "1234",
          "type": "file",
          "length": 395


    scala> json.transform(flattenMeta).foreach(Json.prettyPrint _ andThen println)
      "" : "1234",
      "metadata.type" : "file",
      "metadata.length" : 395

    Just change the path if you want to handle metadata fields somewhere else in the tree.

    Note that using a transformer may be overkill here—see e.g. Pascal Voitot's input in this thread, where he proposes the following:

    (json \ "metadata").as[JsObject].fields.foldLeft(Json.obj()) {
      case (acc, (k, v)) => acc + (s"metadata.$k" -> v)

    It's not as composable, and you'd probably not want to use as in real code, but it may be all you need.

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  • 2021-02-06 13:54

    This is definitely not trivial, but possible by trying to flatten it recursively. I haven't tested this thoroughly, but it works with your example and some other basic one's I've come up with using arrays:

    object JsFlattener {
        def apply(js: JsValue): JsValue = flatten(js).foldLeft(JsObject(Nil))([JsObject])
        def flatten(js: JsValue, prefix: String = ""): Seq[JsValue] = {
  [JsObject].fieldSet.toSeq.flatMap{ case (key, values) =>
                values match {
                    case JsBoolean(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
                    case JsNumber(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
                    case JsString(x) => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> x))
                    case JsArray(seq) => seq.zipWithIndex.flatMap{ case (x, i) => flatten(x, concat(prefix, key + s"[$i]")) }  
                    case x: JsObject => flatten(x, concat(prefix, key))
                    case _ => Seq(Json.obj(concat(prefix, key) -> JsNull))
        def concat(prefix: String, key: String): String = if(prefix.nonEmpty) s"$prefix.$key" else key

    JsObject has the fieldSet method that returns a Set[(String, JsValue)], which I mapped, matched against the JsValue subclass, and continued consuming recursively from there.

    You can use this example by passing a JsValue to apply:

    val json = Json.parse("""
          "metadata": {
            "id": "1234",
            "type": "file",
            "length": 395

    We'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to make the code more beautiful looking.

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  • 2021-02-06 13:57

    Here's my take on this problem, based on @Travis Brown's 2nd solution.

    It recursively traverses the json and prefixes each key with its parent's key.

    def flatten(js: JsValue, prefix: String = ""): JsObject =[JsObject].fields.foldLeft(Json.obj()) {
        case (acc, (k, v: JsObject)) => {
            if(prefix.isEmpty) acc.deepMerge(flatten(v, k))
            else acc.deepMerge(flatten(v, s"$prefix.$k"))
        case (acc, (k, v)) => {
            if(prefix.isEmpty) acc + (k -> v)
            else acc + (s"$prefix.$k" -> v)

    which turns this:

      "metadata": {
        "id": "1234",
        "type": "file",
        "length": 395
      "foo": "bar",
      "person": {
        "first": "peter",
        "last": "smith",
        "address": {
          "city": "Ottawa",
          "country": "Canada"

    into this:

      "": "1234",
      "metadata.type": "file",
      "metadata.length": 395,
      "foo": "bar",
      "person.first": "peter",
      "person.last": "smith",
      "": "Ottawa",
      "": "Canada"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 13:58

    @Trev has the best solution here, completely generic and recursive, but it's missing a case for array support. I'd like something that works in this scenario:

    turn this:

      "metadata": {
        "id": "1234",
        "type": "file",
        "length": 395
      "foo": "bar",
      "person": {
        "first": "peter",
        "last": "smith",
        "address": {
          "city": "Ottawa",
          "country": "Canada"
        "kids": ["Bob", "Sam"]

    into this:

      "": "1234",
      "metadata.type": "file",
      "metadata.length": 395,
      "foo": "bar",
      "person.first": "peter",
      "person.last": "smith",
      "": "Ottawa",
      "": "Canada",
      "[0]": "Bob",
      "[1]": "Sam"

    I've arrived at this, which appears to work, but seems overly verbose. Any help in making this pretty would be appreciated.

    def flatten(js: JsValue, prefix: String = ""): JsObject =[JsObject].fields.foldLeft(Json.obj()) {
      case (acc, (k, v: JsObject)) => {
        val nk = if(prefix.isEmpty) k else s"$prefix.$k"
        acc.deepMerge(flatten(v, nk))
      case (acc, (k, v: JsArray)) => {
        val nk = if(prefix.isEmpty) k else s"$prefix.$k"
        val arr = flattenArray(v, nk).foldLeft(Json.obj())(_++_)
      case (acc, (k, v)) => {
        val nk = if(prefix.isEmpty) k else s"$prefix.$k"
        acc + (nk -> v)
    def flattenArray(a: JsArray, k: String = ""): Seq[JsObject] = {
      flattenSeq( {
        case (o: JsObject, i: Int) =>
          flatten(o, s"$k[$i]")
        case (o: JsArray, i: Int) =>
          flattenArray(o, s"$k[$i]")
        case a =>
          Json.obj(s"$k[${a._2}]" -> a._1)
    def flattenSeq(s: Seq[Any], b: Seq[JsObject] = Seq()): Seq[JsObject] = {
        case (acc, v: JsObject) =>
        case (acc, v: Seq[Any]) =>
          flattenSeq(v, acc)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-06 14:01

    Based on previous solutions, have tried to simplify the code a bit

      def getNewKey(oldKey: String, newKey: String): String = {
        if (oldKey.nonEmpty) oldKey + "." + newKey else newKey
      def flatten(js: JsValue, prefix: String = ""): JsObject = {
        if (!js.isInstanceOf[JsObject]) return Json.obj(prefix -> js)[JsObject].fields.foldLeft(Json.obj()) {
          case (o, (k, value)) => {
            o.deepMerge(value match {
              case x: JsArray =>[Seq[JsValue]].zipWithIndex.foldLeft(o) {
                case (o, (n, i: Int)) => o.deepMerge(
                  flatten([JsValue], getNewKey(prefix, k) + s"[$i]")
              case x: JsObject => flatten(x, getNewKey(prefix, k))
              case x => Json.obj(getNewKey(prefix, k) ->[JsValue])
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