Is there a reasonable way in Python to implement mixin behavior similar to that found in Ruby -- that is, without using inheritance?
class Mixin(object):
def mixer(*args):
"""Decorator for mixing mixins"""
def inner(cls):
for a,k in ((a,k) for a in args for k,v in vars(a).items() if callable(v)):
setattr(cls, k, getattr(a, k).im_func)
return cls
return inner
class Mixin(object):
def b(self): print "b()"
def c(self): print "c()"
class Mixin2(object):
def d(self): print "d()"
def e(self): print "e()"
@mixer(Mixin, Mixin2)
class Foo(object):
# Somehow mix in the behavior of the Mixin class,
# so that all of the methods below will run and
# the issubclass() test will be False.
def a(self): print "a()"
f = Foo()
print issubclass(Foo, Mixin)
Composition? It seems like that would be the simplest way to handle this: either wrap your object in a decorator or just import the methods as an object into your class definition itself. This is what I usually do: put the methods that I want to share between classes in a file and then import the file. If I want to override some behavior I import a modified file with the same method names as the same object name. It's a little sloppy, but it works.
For example, if I want the init_covers
behavior from this file (
import cove as cov
def init_covers(n):
id_list = []
for a in n.neighbors:
def update_degree(n):
for a in n.covers: = 0
for b in n.covers:
if a != b: += len(a.node_list.intersection(b.node_list))
In my bar class file I would do: import bedg as foo
and then if I want to change my foo behaviors in another class that inherited bar, I write
import bild as foo
Like I say, it is sloppy.
You can add the methods as functions:
Foo.b = Mixin.b.im_func
Foo.c = Mixin.c.im_func
This one is based on the way it's done in ruby as explained by Jörg W Mittag. All of the wall of code after if __name__=='__main__'
is test/demo code. There's actually only 13 lines of real code to it.
import inspect
def add_mixins(*mixins):
Dummy = type('Dummy', mixins, {})
d = {}
# Now get all the class attributes. Use reversed so that conflicts
# are resolved with the proper priority. This rules out the possibility
# of the mixins calling methods from their base classes that get overridden
# using super but is necessary for the subclass check to fail. If that wasn't a
# requirement, we would just use Dummy above (or use MI directly and
# forget all the metaclass stuff).
for base in reversed(inspect.getmro(Dummy)):
# Create the mixin class. This should be equivalent to creating the
# anonymous class in Ruby.
Mixin = type('Mixin', (object,), d)
class WithMixins(type):
def __new__(meta, classname, bases, classdict):
# The check below prevents an inheritance cycle from forming which
# leads to a TypeError when trying to inherit from the resulting
# class.
if not any(issubclass(base, Mixin) for base in bases):
# This should be the the equivalent of setting the superclass
# pointers in Ruby.
bases = (Mixin,) + bases
return super(WithMixins, meta).__new__(meta, classname, bases,
return WithMixins
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Mixin1(object):
def b(self): print "b()"
def c(self): print "c()"
class Mixin2(object):
def d(self): print "d()"
def e(self): print "e()"
class Mixin3Base(object):
def f(self): print "f()"
class Mixin3(Mixin3Base): pass
class Foo(object):
__metaclass__ = add_mixins(Mixin1, Mixin2, Mixin3)
def a(self): print "a()"
class Bar(Foo):
def f(self): print "Bar.f()"
def test_class(cls):
print "Testing {0}".format(cls.__name__)
f = cls()
print (issubclass(cls, Mixin1) or
issubclass(cls, Mixin2) or
issubclass(cls, Mixin3))
I am not that familiar with Python, but from what I know about Python metaprogramming, you could actually do it pretty much the same way it is done in Ruby.
In Ruby, a module basically consists of two things: a pointer to a method dictionary and a pointer to a constant dictionary. A class consists of three things: a pointer to a method dictionary, a pointer to a constant dictionary and a pointer to the superclass.
When you mix in a module M
into a class C
, the following happens:
is created (this is called an include class)α
's method dictionary and constant dictionary pointers are set equal to M
's superclass pointer is set equal to C
's superclass pointer is set to α
In other words: a fake class which shares its behavior with the mixin is injected into the inheritance hierarchy. So, Ruby actually does use inheritance for mixin composition.
I left out a couple of subleties above: first off, the module doesn't actually get inserted as C
's superclass, it gets inserted as C
's superclasses' (which is C
's singleton class) superclass. And secondly, if the mixin itself has mixed in other mixins, then those also get wrapped into fake classes which get inserted directly above α
, and this process is applied recursively, in case the mixed in mixins in turn have mixins.
Basically, the whole mixin hierarchy gets flattened into a straight line and spliced into the inheritance chain.
AFAIK, Python actually allows you to change a class's superclass(es) after the fact (something which Ruby does not allow you to do), and it also gives you access to a class's dict
(again, something that is impossible in Ruby), so you should be able to implement this yourself.
from functools import partial
class Mixin(object):
def b(self): print "b()"
def c(self): print "c()"
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, mixin_cls):
self.delegate_cls = mixin_cls
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if hasattr(self.delegate_cls, attr):
return partial(getattr(self.delegate_cls, attr), self)
def a(self): print "a()"
f = Foo(Mixin)
print issubclass(Foo, Mixin)
This basically uses the Mixin
class as a container to hold ad-hoc functions (not methods) that behave like methods by taking an object instance (self) as the first argument. __getattr__
will redirect missing calls to these methods-alike functions.
This passes your simple tests as shown below. But I cannot guarantee it will do all the things you want. Make more thorough test to make sure.
$ python