I have 3 futures of type Response. The first future returns a JsValue which defines if future 2 and future 3 shall be executed or only future 3 shall be executed.
I created some pseudocode:
checkIndexExists() map {
case true => Future.successful()
case false => createIndex()
} flatMap { _ =>
}.map { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))
}.recover {
case _ => Ok("bla")
First you fire up the query if the index exists.
Then you map that future how to work with that Future[Boolean]
if it successful. Since you use map, you kind of extract the Boolean
. If the index exists, you just create a future that is already complete. If the index not exists you need to fire up the index creation command. Now you have the situation that you have nested Future
's (Future[Future[Response]]
). Using flatMap
you remove one dimension, so that you only have Future[Response]
. That can be mapped to a Play result.
Update (the implementation of MeiSign):
EsClient.execute(indexExistsQuery) map { response =>
if (indexExistsQuery.getBooleanResult(indexExistsQuery.getResult(response))) Future.successful(Response)
else EsClient.execute(indexCreationQuery)
} flatMap { _ =>
} map { response: Response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))
I found this solution but I dont think that it is a good solution because Iam using Await.result() which is a blocking operation. If anyone knows how to refactor this code without blocking operations please let me know.
def addSuggestion(indexName: String, suggestion: String) = Action.async {
val indexExistsQuery: IndexExistsQuery = new IndexExistsQuery(indexName);
val addSuggestionQuery: AddSuggestionQuery = new AddSuggestionQuery(indexName, suggestion)
val indexCreationQuery: CreateCompletionsFieldQuery = new CreateCompletionsFieldQuery(indexName)
val indexExists: Boolean = indexExistsQuery.getBooleanResult(indexExistsQuery.getResult(Await.result(EsClient.execute(indexExistsQuery), 5.second)))
if (indexExists) {
EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery).map { response => Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json)) }
} else {
val futureResponse: Future[Response] = for {
responseTwo <- EsClient.execute(indexCreationQuery)
responseThree <- EsClient.execute(addSuggestionQuery)
} yield responseThree
futureResponse.map { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json))
}.recover { case _ => Ok("bla") }