I have a bit of a problem getting code coverage reports for both Integration Tests and Unit Tests in Sonar for a Maven Plugin project (which uses invoker plugin for the integrat
Since you've configure the sonar as
This means you are telling sonar to reuse the existing report from sonar.jacoco.itReportPath. If there is no existing report, there is no any coverage.
In may case, I use the cobertura and reuse its report from maven site generation. as the following configuration properties: -
I can get the reuse by using the following command :-
mvn clean install site sonar:sonar
I can reproduce your issue by using the following command :-
mvn clean install sonar:sonar
The coverage is 0%. Since there is no existing report at the report path.
Then please make sure that there is a report named "jacoco-t.exec" as specified before executing the sonar.
Since I'm not familiar with the JaCoCo and do not know which maven phase that produces thae report file. I would suggest to execute the command like the following:-
mvn clean test sonar:sonar
mvn clean install sonar:sonar
or the same as mine
mvn clean install site sonar:sonar
I hope this may help.
Charlee Ch.