I need to rename files names like this
to just this
Easiest solution is to use "mmv"
You can write:
mmv "long_name*.txt" "short_#1.txt"
Where the "#1" is replaced by whatever is matched by the first wildcard. Similarly #2 is replaced by the second, etc.
So you do something like
mmv "index*_type*.txt" "t#2_i#1.txt"
To rename index1_type9.txt to t9_i1.txt
mmv is not standard in many Linux distributions but is easily found on the net.
This should also work:
ls $prfx* | sed s/$prfx// | xargs -Ipsx mv "$prfx"psx psx
You may use whatever you want to transform the name (perl, sed, awk, etc.). I'll use a python one-liner:
for file in 'transform.php?dappName=Test&transformer=YAML&v_id='*; do
mv $file `echo $file | python -c "print raw_input().split('=')[-1]"`.txt;
Here's the same script entirely in Python:
import glob, os
for filename in glob.iglob(PATTERN):
newname = filename.split('=')[-1] + ".txt"
print filename, '==>', newname
os.rename(filename, newname)
Side note: you would have had an easier life saving the pages with the right name while grabbing them...
Try the rename command
Or you could pipe the results of an ls into a perl regex.
this renamer command would do it:
$ renamer --regex --find 'transform.php?dappName=Test&transformer=YAML&v_id=(\w+)' --replace '$1.txt' *
Ok, you need to be able to run a windows binary for this.
But if you can run Total Commander, do this:
Select all files with *, and hit ctrl-M
In the Search field, paste "transform.php?dappName=Test&transformer=YAML&v_id="
(Leave Replace empty)
Press Start
It doesn't get much simpler than that. You can also rename using regular expressions via this dialog, and you see a realtime preview of how your files are going to be renamed.