Python has a range
method, which allows for stuff like:
>>> range(1, 6)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
What I’m looking for is kind of t
Since 9000 beat me to it, I'll just post the second part of the code, that prints pcre-like ranges from the previously computed output
plus the added type check:
for i in output:
if not isinstance(i, int) or i < 0:
raise Exception("Only positive ints accepted in pcre_ranges")
result = [ str(x[0]) if x[0] == x[1] else '%s-%s' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in output ]
print result
Output: ['1-3', '5-9', '20-23', '50']
I thought you might like my generalised clojure solution.
(def r [1 2 3 9 10])
(defn successive? [a b]
(= a (dec b)))
(defn break-on [pred s]
(reduce (fn [memo n]
(if (empty? memo)
(if (pred (last (last memo)) n)
(conj (vec (butlast memo))
(conj (last memo) n))
(conj memo [n]))))
(break-on successive? r)
This is kind of elegant but also kind of disgusting, depending on your point of view. :)
import itertools
def rangestr(iterable):
end = start =
for end in iterable:
return "%s" % start if start == end else "%s-%s" % (start, end)
class Rememberer(object):
last = None
class RangeFinder(object):
def __init__(self):
self.o = Rememberer()
def __call__(self, x):
if self.o.last is not None and x != self.o.last + 1:
self.o = Rememberer()
self.o.last = x
return self.o
def magic(iterable):
return [rangestr(vals) for k, vals in
itertools.groupby(sorted(iterable), RangeFinder())]
>>> magic([5,7,9,8,6, 21,20, 3,2,1, 22,23, 50])
['1-3', '5-9', '20-23', '50']
Explanation: it uses itertools.groupby to group the sorted elements together by a key, where the key is a Rememberer
object. The RangeFinder
class keeps a Rememberer
object as long as a consecutive bunch of items belongs to the same range block. Once you've passed out of a given block, it replaces the Rememberer
so that the key won't compare equal and groupby
will make a new group. As groupby
walks over the sorted list, it passes the elements one-by-one into rangestr
, which constructs the string by remembering the first and the last element and ignoring everything in between.
Is there any practical reason to use this instead of 9000's answer? Probably not; it's basically the same algorithm.
A nice trick to simplify the code is to look at the difference of each element of the sorted list and its index:
a = [4, 2, 1, 5]
print [x - i for i, x in enumerate(a)]
[1, 1, 2, 2]
Each run of the same number corresponds to a run of consecutive numbers in a
. We can now use itertools.groupby()
to extract these runs. Here's the complete code:
from itertools import groupby
def sub(x):
return x[1] - x[0]
a = [5, 3, 7, 4, 1, 2, 9, 10]
ranges = []
for k, iterable in groupby(enumerate(sorted(a)), sub):
rng = list(iterable)
if len(rng) == 1:
s = str(rng[0][1])
s = "%s-%s" % (rng[0][1], rng[-1][1])
print ranges
['1-5', '7', '9-10']
Sort numbers, find consecutive ranges (remember RLE compression?).
Something like this:
input = [5,7,9,8,6, 21,20, 3,2,1, 22,23, 50]
output = []
first = last = None # first and last number of current consecutive range
for item in sorted(input):
if first is None:
first = last = item # bootstrap
elif item == last + 1: # consecutive
last = item # extend the range
else: # not consecutive
output.append((first, last)) # pack up the range
first = last = item
# the last range ended by iteration end
output.append((first, last))
print output
Result: [(1, 3), (5, 9), (20, 23), (50, 50)]
. You figure out the rest :)
Let's try generators!
# ignore duplicate values
l = sorted( set( [5,7,9,8,6, 21,20, 3,2,1, 22,23, 50] ) )
# get the value differences
d = (i2-i1 for i1,i2 in zip(l,l[1:]))
# get the gap indices
gaps = (i for i,e in enumerate(d) if e != 1)
# get the range boundaries
def get_ranges(gaps, l):
last_idx = -1
for i in gaps:
yield (last_idx+1, i)
last_idx = i
yield (last_idx+1,len(l)-1)
# make a list of strings in the requested format (thanks Frg!)
ranges = [ "%s-%s" % (l[i1],l[i2]) if i1!=i2 else str(l[i1]) \
for i1,i2 in get_ranges(gaps, l) ]
This has become rather scary, I think :)