I am making a CORS xhr request. This works fine in chrome, however when I run in safari I get an \'Can not load ---- access not allowed by Access-control-allow-origin\'.
I just had a similar problem, CORS error. It would work in Firefox & Chrome but not Safari 10.
Turned out we needed to put the trailing slash on the JSON URL.
In my case, it was an issue for Accept-Language header. I have added Accept-Language
inside Access-Control-Allow-Headers
and it got resolved.
I had the same problem where CORS worked in Chrome, but threw an origin error in Safari. Turned out it was a Kerberos authorization issue. When I loaded the XHR URL directly in Safari, I was prompted for credentials. After entering them, I returned to the original site, and Safari no longer had the CORS error.
When I query your URL I'm getting back the following Access-Control headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Authorization, Cache-Control, Content-Length, Date, Expires, Server, Transfer-Encoding, x-goog-meta-foo1
I suspect it has something to do with your Access-Control headers - either you're leaving something out, or being too specific.
Given that you're actually sending a custom header, you may want to try:
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
You could also see if leaving out Access-Control-Expose-Headers
makes a difference.
Beyond that, it would actually be helpful to see the actual request / response headers.
For CORS request you should be using your origin fflog.storage.googleapis.com
. If you use common storage.googleapis.com
origin, any site can access to your bucket.
have try try remove overrideMimeType
? If you set mime type, it will return correctly.
I also have problem with Safari POST request, but no answer yet. GET is OK.
When I try
curl -v -X OPTIONS \
-H 'Origin: fflog.storage.googleapis.com' \
-H 'Access-Control-Request-Method: GET' \
I get, among other headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
When I execute AJAX requests against https://storage.googleapis.com/fflog/135172watersupplies_json
from Safari 6.0.4 on Mac OS 10.8.3 I get 403 errors, but they do all execute.
So I can only guess that you are trying to send a credentialed request for which a wildcard Access-Control-Allow-Origin
is not allowed.