I upgraded my Mac to a OSX 10.11.4, and sadly I found my theano cannot be imported anymore. Here is information about my machine:
➜ ~ gcc --version
A new Numpy release (1.11.0) came out yesterday, 3/27/16. Installed it and finally everything on my MacBook OS-X Canopy Python started working correctly. Installed scikit-neuralnetwork, which installs Theano, Numpy, and others. Whew...
The problem comes from an interface change in Xcode 7.3. It is fixed in the current master of Theano and there will be release 0.8.1 next Tuesday (2016/03/29) that will be 0.8.0 + the fix.
In the meantime you can either run the master: http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/install.html#bleeding-edge-install-instructions or install version 7.2 of the command line tools and select those with xcode-select to make Theano work.