It\'s possible to merge multiple pdf in django with weasyprint?
I have something like this:
def verpdf(request, pk):
odet = get_object_or_404(Note, p
Took me a while, but i solved it, was my fault for not understand the documentation lol, here is the code if anyone have the same problem:
def verpdf(request, pk):
odet = get_object_or_404(Note, pk = pk)
template = get_template('pdfnot.html')
template1 = get_template('pdfnot2.html')
p1 = template.render({'odet': odet}).encode(encoding="ISO-8859-1")
p2 = template1.render({'note':odet}).encode(encoding="ISO-8859-1")
pdf1 = HTML(string=p1)
pdf2 = HTML(string=p2)
pdf11 = pdf1.render()
pdf12 = pdf2.render()
val = []
for doc in pdf11, pdf12:
for p in doc.pages:
pdf_file = pdf11.copy(val).write_pdf() # use metadata of pdf11
http_response = HttpResponse(pdf_file, content_type='application/pdf')
http_response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="report.pdf"'
return http_response
And with this an pdf output with two pages.
<p style="page-break-before: always"></p>
after body tag in html file