I am trying to use the django rest framework to expose my models as APIs.
class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelS
You should set the lookup_field
property in the serializers and viewsets.
In the serializers.py:
class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('url', 'username', 'email', 'user_slug')
lookup_field = 'user_slug'
extra_kwargs = {
'url': {'lookup_field': 'user_slug'}
In the viewsets.py:
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = UserSerializer
queryset = User.objects.all()
lookup_field = ('user_slug')
I was able to get this to work by using the approach posted here.
django-rest-framework HyperlinkedIdentityField with multiple lookup args
The second error I was receiving was becuase I was including the url definition inside the meta section. It should be before the meta section instead. I also had to specify the lookup field in the viewset code. Here are the relevant parts of my code.
from user.views import UserViewSet
user_list = UserViewSet.as_view({'get':'list'})
user_detail = UserViewSet.as_view({'get':'retrieve'})
urlpatterns= [
url(r'^users/$', user_list, name='user-list'),
url(r'^user/(?P<id>\d+)/(?P<slug>[-\w\d]+)/$', user_detail, name='user-detail'),
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls',namespace = 'rest_framework'))
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API end point for user details and user list
lookup_field = 'id'
serializer_class = UserSerializer
queryset = user.objects.all()
class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
url = ParameterisedHyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='user-detail', lookup_fields=(('id', 'id'), ('slug', 'slug')), read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = user
fields = ('url','name','cover_photo')