In python, scikit has a great function called LabelEncoder that maps categorical levels (strings) to integer representation.
Is there anything in R to do this?
# input P to the function below is a dataframe containing only categorical variables
numlevel <- function(P) {
n <- dim(P)[2]
for(i in 1: n) {
m <- length(unique(P[[i]]))
levels(P[[i]]) <- c(1:m)
Q <- numlevel(P)
Try CatEncoders package. It replicates the Python sklearn.preprocessing
# variable to encode values
colors = c("red", "red", "blue", "green")
lab_enc =
# new values are transformed to NA
values = transform(lab_enc, c('red', 'red', 'yellow'))
# [1] 3 3 NA
# doing the inverse: given the encoded numbers return the labels
inverse.transform(lab_enc, values)
# [1] "red" "red" NA
I would add the functionality of reporting the non-matching labels with a warning.
PS: It also has the OneHotEncoder
df<- mtcars
df$cyl <- factor(df$cyl)
df$carb <- factor(df$carb)
vec <- sapply(df, is.factor)
catlevels <- sapply(df[vec], levels)
#store the levels for each category
#level appearing first is coded as 1, second as 2 so on
df <- sapply(df, as.numeric)
class(df) #matrix
df <- data.frame(df)
#converting back to dataframe
# Data
Country <- c("France", "Spain", "Germany", "Spain", "Germany", "France")
Age <- c(34, 27, 30, 32, 42, 30)
Purchased <- c("No", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes", "Yes")
df <- data.frame(Country, Age, Purchased)
# Output
Country Age Purchased
1 France 34 No
2 Spain 27 Yes
3 Germany 30 No
4 Spain 32 No
5 Germany 42 Yes
6 France 30 Yes
Using CatEncoders package : Encoders for Categorical Variables
# Saving names of categorical variables
factors <- names(which(sapply(df, is.factor)))
# Label Encoder
for (i in factors){
encode <-[, i])
df[, i] <- transform(encode, df[, i])
# Output
Country Age Purchased
1 1 34 1
2 3 27 2
3 2 30 1
4 3 32 1
5 2 42 2
6 1 30 2
Using R base : factor function
# Label Encoder
levels <- c("France", "Spain", "Germany", "No", "Yes")
labels <- c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2)
for (i in factors){
df[, i] <- factor(df[, i], levels = levels, labels = labels, ordered = TRUE)
# Output
Country Age Purchased
1 1 34 1
2 2 27 2
3 3 30 1
4 2 32 1
5 3 42 2
6 1 30 2
If I correctly understand what do you want:
# function which returns function which will encode vectors with values of 'vec'
label_encoder = function(vec){
levels = sort(unique(vec))
match(x, levels)
colors = c("red", "red", "blue", "green")
color_encoder = label_encoder(colors) # create encoder
encoded_colors = color_encoder(colors) # encode colors
new_colors = c("blue", "green", "green") # new vector
encoded_new_colors = color_encoder(new_colors)
other_colors = c("blue", "green", "green", "yellow")
color_encoder(other_colors) # NA's are introduced
# save and restore to disk
saveRDS(color_encoder, "color_encoder.RDS")
c_encoder = readRDS("color_encoder.RDS")
c_encoder(colors) # same result
# dealing with multiple columns
# create data.frame
set.seed(123) # make result reproducible
color_dataframe =
sample(c("red", "blue", "green", "yellow"), 12, replace = TRUE),
ncol = 3)
# encode each column
for (column in colnames(color_dataframe)){
color_dataframe[[column]] = color_encoder(color_dataframe[[column]])
I wrote the following which I think works, the efficiency of which and/or how it will scale is not yet tested
str2Int.fit_transform<-function(df, plug_missing=TRUE){
list_of_levels=list() #empty list
#loop through the columns
for (i in 1: ncol(df))
if (is.character(df[,i]) || is.factor(df[,i]) ){
#deal with missing
#if factor
if (is.factor(df[,i])){
df[,i] = factor(df[,i], levels=c(levels(df[,i]), 'MISSING'))
df[,i][[,i])] = 'MISSING'
}else{ #if character
df[,i][[,i])] = 'MISSING'
}#end missing IF
levels<-unique(df[,i]) #distinct levels
list_of_levels[[colnames(df)[i]]] <- levels #set list with name of the columns to the levels
df[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(df[,i], levels = levels))
}#end if character/factor IF
}#end loop
return (list(list_of_levels,df)) #return the list of levels and the new DF
}#end of function
#loop through the columns
for (i in 1: ncol(df))
if (is.character(df[,i]) || is.factor(df[,i]) ){
#deal with missing
#if factor
if (is.factor(df[,i])){
df[,i] = factor(df[,i], levels=c(levels(df[,i]), 'MISSING'))
df[,i][[,i])] = 'MISSING'
}else{ #if character
df[,i][[,i])] = 'MISSING'
}#end missing IF
if (! is.null(levels)){
df[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(df[,i], levels = levels))
}# character or factor
}#end of loop
}#end of function
# Test the functions
###Test fit transform
# as strings
sample_dat <- data.frame(a_fact=c('Red','Blue','Blue',NA,'Green'), a_int=c(1,2,3,4,5), a_str=c('a','b','c','a','v'),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
result[[1]] #list of levels
result[[2]] #transformed df
#as factors
sample_dat <- data.frame(a_fact=c('Red','Blue','Blue',NA,'Green'), a_int=c(1,2,3,4,5), a_str=c('a','b','c','a','v'),stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
result[[1]] #list of levels
result[[2]] #transformed df
###Test transform