I\'m using the following code to add some noise to an image (straight out of the OpenCV reference, page 449 -- explanation of cv::Mat::begin
The problem is that you need determine to determine type and number of channels at runtime, but templates need the information at compile time. You can avoid hardcoding the number of channels by either using cv::split
and cv::merge
, or by changing the iteration to
for(int row = 0; row < in.rows; ++row) {
unsigned char* inp = in.ptr<unsigned char>(row);
unsigned char* outp = out.ptr<unsigned char>(row);
for (int col = 0; col < in.cols; ++col) {
for (int c = 0; c < in.channels(); ++c) {
*outp++ = *inp++ + noise();
If you want to get rid of the dependance of the type, I'd suggest putting the above in a templated function and calling that from your function, depending on the type of the matrix.
I know this comes late. However, the real solution to your problem is to use OpenCV functionality to do what you want to do.
out = in + noise;
or cv::add(in, noise, out);
Another advantage of this method is that OpenCV might employ multithreading, SSE or whatever to speed-up this massive-element operation, which you do not. Your code is simpler, cleaner, and OpenCV does all the nasty type handling for you.
They are hardcoded because performance is better that way.
In OpenCV1.x there is cvGet2D() , which can be used here since Mat can be casted as an IplImage. But it's slow since each time you access a pixel the function will find out the type, size, etc. Specially inefficient in loops.