I\'m trying to get AppFabric cache up and running on my local development environment. I have Windows Server AppFabric Beta 2 Refresh installed, and the cache c
I had this problem too and I found the answer in this thread:
The answer:
You are seeing this error because of the security property mismatch between client and server.
In your client code you disabled the security (Mode=None and PotectionLevel=None) whereas the cache server uses mode=Transport and PotectionLevel=EncryptAndSign (default in Beta2Fresh bits).
Do either of the following:
1) In the client code use the default security i.e. configuration.SecurityProperties =new DataCacheSecurity();
2) Disable the security at server to match with your existing client code. Use Powershell cmdlet Set-CacheClusterSecurity -SecurityMode None -ProtectionLevel None
Do you get the same problem if you use a DataCacheFactoryConfiguration object? e.g.
protected CacheService()
DataCacheFactoryConfiguration config;
List<DataCacheServerEndpoint> endpoints;
DataCacheFactory factory;
DataCache cache;
endpoints = new List<DataCacheServerEndpoint>();
endpoints.Add(new DataCacheServerEndpoint("SN-3TQHQL1",22233));
config = new DataCacheFactoryConfiguration();
config.Servers = endpoints;
factory = new DataCacheFactory(config);
cache = factory.GetDefaultCache();
Have you opened the port on your firewall?
Maybe check entries in your event logs - they may offer clues as to what is (or isn't) happening.
I had a similar issue as well, and my problem was I had not given the proper permissions to the cache client. In order to quickly verify this is the issue I would grant the everyone account access to the cache. If this fixes the issue then look into limiting access to the appropriate account rather than everyone. This can done executing the following command via the "Caching Administrator Windows PowerShell", which is found in the Windows Server AppFabric start menu folder:
Grant-CacheAllowedClientAccount everyone