Is it possible to get an output of an Exec
\'ed executable?
I want to show the user an info query page, but show the default value of MAC address in the
I had to do the same (execute command line calls and get the result) and came up with a more general solution.
It also fixes strange bugs if quoted paths are used in the actual calls by using the /S
flag for cmd.exe
{ Exec with output stored in result. }
{ ResultString will only be altered if True is returned. }
function ExecWithResult(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer;
const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer; var ResultString: String): Boolean;
TempFilename: String;
Command: String;
TempFilename := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\~execwithresult.txt');
{ Exec via cmd and redirect output to file. Must use special string-behavior to work. }
Command :=
Format('"%s" /S /C ""%s" %s > "%s""', [
ExpandConstant('{cmd}'), Filename, Params, TempFilename]);
Result := Exec(ExpandConstant('{cmd}'), Command, WorkingDir, ShowCmd, Wait, ResultCode);
if not Result then
LoadStringFromFile(TempFilename, ResultString); { Cannot fail }
{ Remove new-line at the end }
if (Length(ResultString) >= 2) and (ResultString[Length(ResultString) - 1] = #13) and
(ResultString[Length(ResultString)] = #10) then
Delete(ResultString, Length(ResultString) - 1, 2);
Success :=
ExecWithResult('ipconfig', '/all', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated,
ResultCode, ExecStdout) or
(ResultCode <> 0);
The result can also be loaded into a TStringList
object to get all lines:
Lines := TStringList.Create;
Lines.Text := ExecStdout;
{ ... some code ... }
Yes, use redirection of the standard output to a file:
function NextButtonClick(CurPage: Integer): Boolean;
TmpFileName, ExecStdout: string;
ResultCode: integer;
if CurPage = wpWelcome then begin
TmpFileName := ExpandConstant('{tmp}') + '\ipconfig_results.txt';
Exec('cmd.exe', '/C ipconfig /ALL > "' + TmpFileName + '"', '', SW_HIDE,
ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
if LoadStringFromFile(TmpFileName, ExecStdout) then begin
MsgBox(ExecStdout, mbInformation, MB_OK);
{ do something with contents of file... }
Result := True;
Note that there may be more than one network adapter, and consequently several MAC addresses to choose from.