How to write loops “for” loops in R using dplyr syntax

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没有蜡笔的小新 2021-02-06 07:25

I have an extensive block of code that I\'ve written using dplyr syntax in R. However, I am trying to put that code in a loop, so that I can ultimately create multiple output fi

  • 2021-02-06 07:47

    It is unfortunate that your code didn't raise any errors. If you run your code line by line you'll understand what I'm saying. For this example I will choose the first iteration of your loop, let's replace i for "setosa":

    > iris  %>% filter(iris$Species == unique(iris$Species)["setosa"])
    [1] Sepal.Length Sepal.Width  Petal.Length Petal.Width  Species     
    <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

    Your filter yields a data frame with no observations, so no point in going ahead, but for this example, let's run the rest of the code:

    > iris  %>% filter(iris$Species == unique(iris$Species)["setosa"]) %>%  
    + summarize(mean(iris$Petal.Length))
    1                   3.758

    What happened is that you're calling the iris dataset from within your code, a more obvious example would be:

    > filter(iris, iris$Species == unique(iris$Species)["setosa"]) %>% 
    + summarize(mean(mtcars$cyl))
    1           6.1875

    That's why you don't get the answer you expected, your filter didn't work and you got a summary statistic from another dataset.

    As TJ Mahr mentioned, your code without specifying the dataset runs fine:

    > for (i in unique(iris$Species))
    + {
    +     iris %>% filter(Species==i) %>%
    +         summarize(mean(Petal.Length)) %>% print()
    +     print(i) 
    + }
    1              1.462
    [1] "setosa"
    1               4.26
    [1] "versicolor"
    1              5.552
    [1] "virginica"

    I hope this helps

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  • 2021-02-06 08:01

    As I mentioned in my comment, if you really need the results separated, it will probably be easier to just use group_by and then split() the results:

    iris %>% 
      group_by(Species) %>% 
      summarise(mn = mean(Petal.Length)) %>% 
    # A tibble: 1 × 2
      Species    mn
       <fctr> <dbl>
    1  setosa 1.462
    # A tibble: 1 × 2
         Species    mn
          <fctr> <dbl>
    1 versicolor  4.26
    # A tibble: 1 × 2
        Species    mn
         <fctr> <dbl>
    1 virginica 5.552
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