I have the following code
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
sname = arr(x)
If instr(sname, \"Configuration item\") Then
\'**(here i wa
I sometimes do a double do loop:
If I_Don't_Want_to_Finish_This_Loop Then Exit Do
Exit Do
Loop Until Done
This avoids having "goto spaghetti"
A few years late, but here is another alternative.
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
sname = arr(x)
If InStr(sname, "Configuration item") Then
'Do nothing here, which automatically go to the next iteration
'Code to perform the required action
End If
Next x
You're thinking of a continue
statement like Java's or Python's, but VBA has no such native statement, and you can't use VBA's Next
like that.
You could achieve something like what you're trying to do using a GoTo
statement instead, but really, GoTo
should be reserved for cases where the alternatives are contrived and impractical.
In your case with a single "continue" condition, there's a really simple, clean, and readable alternative:
If Not InStr(sname, "Configuration item") Then
'// other code to copy paste and do various stuff
End If
A lot of years after... I like this one:
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr): Do
sname = arr(x)
If instr(sname, "Configuration item") Then Exit Do
'// other code to copy past and do various stuff
Loop While False: Next x
For the case you do not use "DO": this is my solution for a FOR EACH with nested If conditional statements:
For Each line In lines
If <1st condition> Then
<code if 1st condition>
If <2nd condition> Then
If <3rd condition> Then
GoTo ContinueForEach
<code else 3rd condition>
End If
<code else 2nd condition>
End If
<code else 1st condition>
End If
For i=1 To 10
'Do everything in here and
If I_Dont_Want_Finish_This_Loop Then
Exit Do
End If
'Of course, if I do want to finish it,
'I put more stuff here, and then...
Loop While False 'quit after one loop
Next i